Motorcycle Safety Tips

Motorcycles are made for riders’ enjoyment. However, if you’re not smart about motorcycle safety, it can go from fun, to very dangerous. This May is motorcycle safety awareness month, and we thought it was the perfect time to share safety tips to prepare you for biking season.

Consider safety when dressing. Clothing is important because it is the only thing protecting you from the road. Invest in a quality helmet and eye protection. Wear brightly colored clothing so you are easily visible to drivers. Wear leather or other thick, protective material that has long sleeves, pants, over the ankle boots and gloves.

Check your bike before your first ride of the season.  You want to make sure everything is working properly before your first ride. Test the lights, brakes and turn signals, and adjust your mirrors. Check the cables to make sure they aren’t frayed and lube the chain. If you’re feeling rusty, take a refresher course.

Be a smart driver. Motorcyclists are often not seen by other motorists, which can lead to crashes. Dangerous driving from motorcyclists only increases the risk of a crash. Be respectful of other drivers. Do not weave in and out of traffic or drive on the shoulder.

Give yourself space and time to be able to react to other motorists. Make yourself visible to other drivers by driving in a part of the lane that is most visible, and always use turn signals to show other drivers where you’re going.

We hope these safety tips let you have a safe and fun riding season!

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