Start the School Year Right: 3 Keys to Packing a Healthy Lunch

What is a better way to set your children up for success this school year than properly fueling their bodies and minds through a healthy lunch? With our tips, you can help them power through the school day by making them a lunch that’s delicious and healthy!

1. Make it colorful

Thinking about eating the rainbow is always an important consideration to have in mind while preparing any meal. Having a variety of fruits and vegetables ensures that the meal has nutrients and minerals that your child needs.

2. Get Creative

Healthy lunches do not have to be boring! Make your child excited to eat healthy foods by getting creative! Create a bento box using muffin cups to divide the food, or use cookie cutters to create interesting shapes.

Also, think outside the lunch box! A homemade lunch does not have to mean a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Create kabobs from last night’s meal, dip vegetables into hummus, or make sushi out of fruit!

3. Make it a family activity

Get your children excited about their lunches by having them help prepare their meals and include items they love. You can make it a weekly routine to go to the grocery store as a family and meal prep together. It is not only a great time to teach them about balanced eating, but also a great way to bond.


Click below for some recipe inspiration:

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